Attended from 1978 to 1983
- He completed a Bachelor of Science Degree at the Uni of Wollongong, including Fist Class Honours in Chemistry and went on to gain a PhD in 1992.
- In 1992 he was awarded the prestigious Royal Society Endeavour Fellowship, which allowed him to carry out his post-doctoral studies within the Molecular Sensors Unit at the University of Oxford in the UK.
- Whilst at Oxford from 1993 to 1994 he was appointed as a Senior Lecturer in Physical Chemistry at Keble College and was awarded the position of Research Scholar at University College.
- Richard returned to Australia in 1995 to take up an Australian Research Council Fellowship at the Uni of Wollongong.
- In 1996 he took up a position at Griffith University, in Queensland, as a lecturer in Analytical Chemistry and has been there ever since. In 1998 he was promoted to Senior Lecturer and in 2004 to Associate Professor.
- He is currently seconded to the Australian Academy of Science as Managing Director of the new $3.5 million science education program called ‘Science by Doing', on behalf of the Academy, the CSIRO, the Australian Science Teachers' Association and the federal Dept of Education Employment and Workplace Relations.
- Richard is an elected Fellow of the Royal Australian Chemical Institute, which is the highest recognition for a chemist in Australia, and he has served as Chairman of the Electrochemistry division for 5 years.
I'm sure that you will agree that Richard has had a remarkable career but it is also important to consider these points as well:
- he has been awarded in excess of $3 million in funding for his research and teaching initiatives,
he has been published in over 50 research papers in international journals,
he has been awarded two patents,
he has delivered research papers at over 40 national and international conferences,
he has served on scientific advisory boards,
he has been employed as an expert witness in the Federal Court,
and he has been invited to talk at institutions in many countries.
Richard has won three prestigious awards:
the Peter Doherty Award for Excellence in Science Education,
the Royal Australian Chemical Institute Award for Excellence in Chemical Education,
and the Griffith University Award for Excellence in Science
- He is even listed in ‘Who's Who in the World?'