1. Policy link
The Lake Illawarra High School Uniform Policy has been developed to assist the school in implementing the NSW Department of Education Uniform Policy.
The Uniform Policy and the suite of uniform options have been developed following the guidelines set out in the NSW Department of Education Uniform Policy and Guidelines. Both the Uniform Policy and the range of uniform items have been developed in consultation with, and endorsed by, the Lake Illawarra High School Parents and Citizens Association and the Lake Illawarra High School Student Representative Council.
2. Rationale
The wearing of school uniform by students helps build self-confidence and a sense of connection with their community. It ensures there is no discrimination between students based on the clothes they can afford. It also supports a safe school environment where non-students can be easily identified.
We ask all our students to wear their uniform with pride and dignity. We believe that tidy dress and positive behaviour whilst dressed in the school uniform, brings credit to the school, themselves and family. All students are required to wear the correct school uniform every day.
The Lake Illawarra High School Uniform Policy aims to:
- Promote equality amongst all students.
- Ensure quality safety standards.
- Further develop a sense of pride in, and identification with our school.
- Provide durable clothing that is cost effective and practical for our school environment.
- Maintain and enhance the positive image of the school in the community.
3. The colours of our uniform
Our school colours of navy blue, sky blue and white are a reflection of the natural environment surrounding Lake Illawarra High School.
4. Students out of uniform
If a student is not in uniform on any particular day, they must report to the Deputy Principal Office Area before Roll Call. The student will be given uniform items from the school's clothing pool to wear for the day.
If a student is out of uniform at any time throughout the school day it is expected that staff will address the student and arrange for them to be changed into uniform. If a student refuses, they will be referred to a Head Teacher and/or Deputy Principal.
Continued refusal to follow our uniform policy will be considered disobedience. If students continue to breach the Uniform Policy the following consequences may apply:
- Warning regarding uniform expectations. Detention during Break 1 or 2. Phone call to parents.
- After 3 warnings students will receive an after school detention.
- Further infractions will be considered continued disobedience and more serious disciplinary action may be taken.
5. Uniform Sales
School uniforms can be purchased through our school uniform shop located in the front office.
6. Clothing Pool
Students in genuine need of assistance with uniform may obtain items of clean, pre-loved clothing free of charge by seeing our School Office. Donations of outgrown items of uniform are most gratefully accepted throughout the year.
In cases where the clothing pool cannot provide the necessary assistance, a Uniform Assistance Form/Financial Assistance Form can be completed to request financial support. All applications are confidential. A payment plan can also be set up for the purchase of uniform.
The clothing pool will also be used to ensure the wearing of uniform within school hours.
7. Lake Illawarra High School Uniform Options
The wearing of uniform applies during school hours, while travelling to and from school, and when students are on school excursions (unless otherwise stated in the excursion information).
All uniform items are available from the Lake Illawarra High School Uniform Shop located in the front office.
Students have a range of formal and informal uniform options and may choose any combination of the options listed below.
Standard Items (see appendix image)
- Blue polo short with embroided school logo (Years 7-10)
- White polo shirt with embroided school logo (Years 11-12)
- Navy tracksuit pants with embroided “Lake”
- Navy pants with embroided “Lake”
- Navy shorts with embroided “Lake” – there are two styles (either can be worn)
- Navy Skort with embroided "Lake"
- Navy rain jacket with embroided logo
Additional items
- Senior official school jacket (can only be worn by the owner/year that student is in Year 11/12)
- Approved Clontarf polo shirt with embroided school logo
- Approved sports committee polo shirt with embroided school logo
- Enclosed shoes must be worn for safety reasons. Students without appropriate footwear may be excluded from practical lessons in all courses.
- Students are encouraged to wear a cap/hat when outdoors for sun protection. Students may also wish to wear a beanie in the winter.
- Any headwear must not have offensive words/slogans or drug references.
8. Other Uniform Considerations
- Jewellery must be kept to a minimum and be unobtrusive.
- A plain white short sleeve or long sleeve shirt may be worn under the school shirt. Plain means without patterns, stripes, slogans of any kind.
- Shirts must be buttoned to a socially acceptable height.
- No torn or ripped clothing should be worn to school.
- In cold/wet weather any non-uniform jacket or track pants worn must be plain navy blue. Plain means without patterns, stripes, slogans of any kind.
- Jumpers and hoodies must not be worn under school shirts.
- Tights/leggings, jeans and shorter style shorts are not part of our school uniform and must not be worn on school grounds.
- Uniform must not be removed during the school day (e.g. removing shirt when playing basketball).
- Representative clothing items are not considered standard school uniform (this includes CHS and sporting group clothing items). These items can only be worn at representative sporting events.
- Uniform exemptions for religious reasons or on medical grounds can be sought from the Principal.
9. Review
This Uniform Policy will be reviewed as part of the school’s regular review cycle.
This Uniform Policy was last ratified by P&C and SRC in June 2024.