Lake Illawarra High School

A Positive Future for Every Student

Telephone02 4296 3844

Career Education Program

Welcome to Carreers at

Lake Illawarra High School

Career Education Program

Lake Illawarra High School has a full-time Careers Adviser: Mrs Rhonda Willingham. Careers information is available for all years and we have provided a Careers Library and various activities to assist students in preparing for the work force or further study.

The Careers Centre is located upstairs in the school library and is open to students during breaks, study periods or at assigned interview times. Up to date information is provided on tertiary study, job seeking advisory information and current trends. Parents wishing to meet with the Careers Adviser need to contact the school front office to book an interview time during school hours.

Career Education

Career Education aims to assist students to develop into responsible lifelong learner and decision-makers by developing skills in:

  • Personal understanding – knowledge of personal skills and qualities that they bring to the work or study environment
  • Work exploration – knowledge through practical experiences and research
  • Career Pathways – planning options for possible future and developing choices

These aims in the Career Education program at Lake Illawarra High School is achieved by individual assistance, structured lessons, work experience and cross curricular experiences with TAFE, UOW, local employers, Careers Expo and past students.

Yr 10 Careers Lessons

Structured careers lessons for Year 10 students occur throughout the year and topics include:

  • Work – what is it? How does it relate to school?
  • Employability skills including personal strengths and abilities
  • Career Investigations – mycareermatch, careertools
  • Resume writing and cover letters
  • Interview Skills and Mock Interview Day
  • Subject Selection for senior years
  • Work Experience

Careers for Senior Students

The Careers Adviser is available to speak to senior students at any time during the school day and meetings are organized for year groups, classes and small groups.

Topics covered:

  • How to apply for jobs
  • University applications and process
  • Scholarships, Cadetships
  • Apprenticeships and traineeships
  • Business and RTO school visits and industry visits

Transition Adviser

Lake Illawarra High School careers program also includes a Transition Adviser, Mr Jeff Chaseling. He actively works with the Careers Adviser and Executive members of the school to assist Year 6 students to transition into the school and to identify students who need extra support to guide them into programs such as TAFE Taster courses, PCYC Links to Learning and Youth Frontiers.

In addition to Lake Illawarra High School Careers Program, our school independently funds the Ready To Go Transition to Work Program – R2GO. A Student Employment Adviser works with selected students in Year 8-12 in either small groups or individually. This program is for students interested in early transitioning and provides career exploration and work experience opportunities to build a student’s skills and knowledge for future career pathways. Students become aware of employer’s expectations and actively prepare for the work environment.

Extra Courses Provided

The following courses are also provided annually through the Careers Centre:

  • WHS white card
  • Financial Literacy Cert I
  • First Aid Course
  • EDGE workshop

Career Information

Information is available to students by the various methods:

  • School newsletter –information updating events and activities
  • Careers newsletter –located on the school website page under the Career tab and is emailed to the DEC student email for Years 10 -12
  • Positions Vacant – are placed on the Lake Illawarra HS facebook page and Lake Illawarra HS careers website page
  • Roll Calls and Monday morning Assemblies
  • Email – any updated information is sent via the DEC student email