Lake Illawarra High School

A Positive Future for Every Student

Telephone02 4296 3844

Subject Selection

1) 2021 UOW Year 10 Subject Selection

UOW Represestitive explaining to subject selection process.


2) ATAR? What is it?

What is the ATAR? Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank organised by UAC (University Admissions Centre).  For students wishing to gain a place at university with eligible ATAR subjects. ATAR is a rank not a mark and this rank assists universities in the selection process for each course offered to students.

3) UAC Subject Compass

Subject Compass is an online tool which suggests relevant HSC subjects based on a student’s interests, skills, personality traits, intended career path or tertiary study plans. 

Using these suggestions as a starting point, the student then selects the subjects they’re most keen on and checks if that combination of subjects will make them eligible for an ATAR.

More info here:


4)  TAFE - External VET Subjects

TAFE VET subjects are completed on campus away from LIHS in Yr 11 and/or Yr 12. There are 4 campuses in the Illawarra and if interested in applying to do one of these subjects students need to complete an EOI form and submit it to the Careers Office by August 30.

Travel to and from these campuses needs to be organised by the student. 

 Some courses will be Board Developed Category B (Industry Curriculum Framework courses with compulsory work placement) and others will be Board Endorsed subjects.

Click on the links below to see more information and download the 2022 TVET Guide :

4)  iTEC - External VET Subjects

iTec subjects are completed on campus away from LIHS in Yr 11 and/or Yr 12. If interested in applying to do one of these subjects students need to complete an EOI form and submit it to the Careers Office by August 30th.

Travel to and from these campuses needs to be organised by the student.

 Some courses will be Board Developed Category B (Industry Curriculum Framework courses with compulsory work placement) and others will be Board Endorsed subjects.